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I woke up that sunday morning with a brain splitting headache. The blood freezing northern harmmattan was at full swing, and bit viciously into my uncladed chest.I could hear the distinct squealing of gaint scarvenging rats in my filthy kitchen which I hadnt swept for ages,they were probably sharing the reminants of the tasteless shawarma i bought at night. The familiar sonorous male voice of a Muezzin sliced through the cold air from a nearby mosque, chanting the adhan for the Fajr prayers of dawn. A strange type of feeling,like the sweet excitement of eloping teenage lovers invaded me. I rummaged through a labirynth of thoughts, and there it was, the joy of attending sunday service with Jamila my dashing colleague at work conquered my mind.

Jamila was a walking temptation, nature generously bestowed on her the gifts of a gracious height,full and firm breasts,a beautifull face and a flawless ebony skin like that of beauty queens from the carribean islands.Why she'd turned down a myriad of overtures from over a dozen admirers to settle for me was beyond human comprehension. We had spent the entire saturday evening on our first date at my favorite Chinese restaurant. I waited patiently until she appeared out of the blues, dressed exquisitely in a short peach gown which delicately outlined the perfection of her stunning figure. She walked in with the composure of golfers and her charm immediately possesed the atmosphere. The sensual sway of her elegantly curved hips, her supple and well rounded flawlessness caused other male customers to stare a little longer."Good evening, sorry i'm late" she whispered gesturing towards me with a chuckle. The fire in her eyes instantly evaporated my trademark confidence,i couldnt even
respond, but smiled sheepishly like an imbecile. My eyes greedily toured every place of interest on her body,i couldnt help but imagine we were behind closed doors frolicking away in ecstacy. "Wow! You look adorable" I managed to mumble at last, my eyes lustfully suspended on the twin peaks of her protuberant bossoms, which were like ripe dwarf gem tomatoes from Jos. I signalled for the lanky waiter dressed in an overstarched shirt and worn out bow tie and he rewarded me with a weak smile, levity perched on every vertice of his contemptous smile. After a long conversation punctuated by brief moments of awkward silence,my dreams were fulfilled when she said felt the same way for me."Lets see in my church tomorow" she said,planted an electrifying peck on my cheek and left for choir practice.


The sound from my ringing phone blarred mischievously and jolted me back to reality."Good morning handsome, I'm almost set. I hope you are too" her meek voice echoed through the receiver "sure dear" I lied, hung up and scampered hurriedly out of my warm bed straight to my chilly bathroom. It
felt like a mortuary. The freezing water from the shower descended mercilessly on me, I shivered impulsively and was immediately beset in a blanket of goosebumps. "you look good in these" i remarked, i'd never beheld her in a traditional outfit."You don't look bad
yourself" she teased,and tugged playfully at the lapels of my well trimmed Mark and Spencer suit. A radiant smile lit up her beautiful oval face ardoned by a modicum of make up. She reached out for my hands and we walked towards St.
Bartholomew's Anglican Cathedral
like a newly wedded couple. Four
vibrant young men were stationed at the giant amber gate for routine Sunday security search. After we were hurriedly
caressed with a metal detector, Jamila was odered to open her outlandish hand bag,and while it was being searched,i noticed a flashy metalic grey Honda accord vehicle, chargin g towards us.It
surged forward ferociously like a wild beast. The security men had seen it before us and dashed off quickly,before i could make any swift attempt to duck, the suicide bomber rammed violently into the church building. The explosion was wild and deafening. A powerful seismic wave threw me a few metres off the blast scene and i landed on the wind screen of a parked vehicle shattering it
on impact. A shadow of numbness fell upon me at that instant. The sun suddenly lost its bright light,the only colour that remained in my eyes was
black.......... ............... ...............

WrittenBy: Edozien Sley..
GISTMANIAC: BLACK SUNDAY GISTMANIAC: BLACK SUNDAY Reviewed by Macdonald obiedelu on 3:08 AM Rating: 5

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