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Jesse Jagz x AO x Splint x Scar Dennis x Karma x Base One – Hennessy Cypher

For Hip-Hop fans that has been yearning for a Nigerian Cypher, the number one cognac in the country – Hennessy has made it happen. The cypher features Choc boi – Jesse Jagz, Base One, Karma and some underground cats
DOWNLOAD Jesse Jagz x AO x Splint x Scar Dennis x Karma x Base One – Hennessy Cypher

Jesse Jagz x AO x Splint x Scar Dennis x Karma x Base One – Hennessy Cypher Jesse Jagz x AO x Splint x Scar Dennis x Karma x Base One – Hennessy Cypher Reviewed by Macbanks on 6:04 AM Rating: 5

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